Here is a basic food recipe of dark chocolate truffles which is easy recipe for you at home
Chocolate Truffle / Truffes au Chocolat
Ingredients :
1 cup creme Fraiche (heavy cream)
14 oz high quality Dark Chocolate ( about 70% cocoa )
8 oz additional Dark Chocolate
11,5 cup High quality Cocoa Powder
3 tablespoonful butter
Method :
for the Batter ( Ganache ) :
Cut choclate into small pieces
Put the chocolate in a large bowl
Bring the heavy crem slowly to a light boil
Pour boiling cream over the chocolate.
Keep stirring till the chocolate melted and well combined with the cream
Add butter, stirr
Set aside allow to cool completaly
Before you can form it to the truffle ball you have to thicken it by putting the mixture in a refrigerator or you can whisking it till it's creamy and thick enough to be formed
Forming The Truffles :
Melt the additional dark chocolate, set aside
Form even and round balls using 2 spoons.
Put them on a wax paper
Dip each ball in the melted chocolate and the roll it in the cocoa powder
Bon apetit .. enjoy this creamy rich chocolate French Food for your family
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